Johnny Cash, Taylor Swift And You

If I were to ask you why you want to be a recording artist or a singer/songwriter … what would your answer be? I would really love to hear these answers in our blog, by the way! For most of us, I’d say the dream begins early on. For myself, I decided I would be a drummer at the age of 6. I didn’t really make a formal announcement to my parents or anything; I was just born a musician. I am a musician/songwriter today because that is what I am most comfortable doing.

How about you? I ask this question because the why of it all is important. I think it’s important to be who we really are. We’re not going to kid anyone if we assume the wrong role while we’re on this planet. I think that in the case of recording artists… we’re going to stand out even more than most when things are mismatched… we do our work on the world’s stage and there’s nowhere to hide.

SingerSongwriters have to know who they are. Johnny Cash could not have gotten on stage at Folsom Prison and sang to those inmates if he didn’t honestly feel a kinship with them. Taylor Swift obviously loves her young fans enough to help them articulate meaningful words that they would like to be able to say, but can’t yet. She validates her fan’s feelings through her remarkable songs. Johnny did the same thing. Johnny Cash was, and Taylor Swift is transparent, at ease and delighted to be singing. I dig that.

The juice of this whole star business magically switches on when fans love you and you love them back just as much. The power of this reciprocal relationship transcends any artistic limitations too. Quality of voice, depth of musicianship and perfection mean little when stars and their fans unite. All that really matters is the connection, and the rest is as natural as an evening stroll.

So back to you… why do you want to be a star? This is a tough field we’ve chosen. Writing songs that stand up to the competition is hard. Singing beautifully night after night is hard. Keeping a band together is hard. Why do we do this? It’s personal for all of us and I’m really looking forward to seeing your replies on our blog. I do know this much… the friends, clients and prospective clients of Artist Development Network are a devoted and serious group. I’ve been here for a year and a half now and I’ve enjoyed every single minute of my time cowriting beautiful music and getting to know many of you well. I am energized by your motivation and you keep me young. I feel your musical desires and make it a point to help you cowrite the most original music possible. Our whole songwriting team feels the same way. Cathy Lemmon has that same force about her as well. She’s been steering the ship here for 16 years in Nashville. Our dream is to help you with your dreams. We love our work. And there’s that reciprocalrelationship thing popping up again ☺

Our Nashville Experience

I highly endorse Our Nashville Experience, written by Ed Freeman who is the father of Country Singer/Songwriter Adrianna Freeman.

Caring for our Loved Ones

Hey everyone, Here is a wonderful organization that assists families who are seeking help for their aging loved ones.

Glen Shelton

Nashville’s Artist Development Network president Cathy Lemmon congratulates artist and songwriter Glen Shelton!